Visão geral de palavras-chave
Dive into the largest keyword research database on the market and use AI insights to drive your SEO and PPC strategies.
Encontre suas palavras-chaveComplete Keyword Analysis
Access a top-level report for any keyword’s metrics, including search volume, competition level, CPC, intent, and trends across local, national, and global scales.
Utilize as palavras-chave mais valiosas
- Instantly understand a keyword’s search volume and user intent
- Evaluate keyword difficulty, or how hard it will be to rank for each keyword
- Determine the keyword’s CPC, competitive density, and top ads
Explore Keywords and Variations
- Review keyword variations and clusters to target in your keyword strategy
- Identify commonly asked questions related to your keyword
- Preview the suggested pillar and subpages with Keyword Strategy
Gain Personalized AI-Powered Insights
- Evaluate Personal Keyword Difficulty for your domain
- Use Topical Authority to determine domain relevance to a seed keyword
- Combine insights to tailor content for your audience’s needs
Review a Keyword’s Advertising Value
- Inspire-se em anúncios reais baseados em suas palavras-chave alvo
- Reveal your Google Shopping competitors’ product listing ads
- Check out any keyword’s ad history to find advertisers that were on top of the SERP
Spot Local SEO Opportunities
- Analyze local search metrics to gauge volume, KD, and intent in your area
- Assess local CPC and competitive density to grasp regional competition
- Encontre palavras-chave com baixa concorrência e de cauda longa com facilidade
Bulk Keyword Analysis
- Streamline your keyword research by analyzing multiple keywords at a time
- Analyze up to 100 keywords at once to compare opportunities
- Send keywords from bulk analysis to the Keyword Strategy Builder to plan content
Get a Quick Overview of Organic SERPs
- Review top-ranking websites for your keywords to understand the competition
- Analyze your domain’s performance relative to these top sites
- Use these insights to refine your SEO tactics and boost your site’s ranking
Fique de olho nas tendências
- Examine keyword search volume fluctuations throughout the year
- Revele picos sazonais de interesse do seu público
- Ajuste sua estratégia de lances e plano de conteúdo para obter mais tráfego e menos gastos