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Elucinetics LLC

Elucinetics LLC

Supercharging Your Message

United States

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We are a Strategic Digital Marketing Agency specializing in providing businesses with smart solutions to attract their best customers. Whether you are trying to re-brand, grow your business, or just want to 'cut the waste', I can help you with intelligent, results-driven marketing solutions and strategic branding.

We offer custom-crafted, plans for your brand messages based on research, analytics, and the latest integrated strategies.

We have decades of experience providing traditional marketing, strategic branding, website development/migration, and project management for our clients in government, research, education, and litigation fields.

We specialize in integrating pragmatic research, and hard data to create no-nonsense marketing and messaging plans proven to work for each clients’ specific needs.

Our boutique agency can help you quickly identify your best prospects, where they spend time, and how to engage with them.

We help you spread your message online only where it will work hardest for you.

You don’t have to be the expert, just trust the science.

I’m a creative, strategist, marketer and brand engineer specializing in informed approaches to optimization, and digital marketing.

I excel in discovery, development, and application of intelligent solutions. I thrive on collaboration with other driven individuals open to creative solutions backed by proven processes.

Modelo de precificação
  • Adiantamento
  • Por projeto
  • $0 - 2,500
Foco geográfico
  • United States
  • Inglês
  • Espanhol

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Agências — United States