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WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

What We Say, We Deliver!


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As a full-fledged digital marketing agency, we redefine success through strategic solutions for businesses of all sizes. We can help you grow your digital footprint using-

🚦 Search Engine Optimization

🖱️ Pay Per Click

📃 Content Marketing

✉️ Email Marketing

🤝 Lead Generation

💻 Social Media Marketing and Management

🌐 Online Reputation Management, and more.

Our Approach

At WebGuruz, we recognize the profound connection between products and users. We're not just a service provider; we're your digital partners committed to exceeding your expectations.

Why WebGuruz?

➡️ Proven Track Record

WebGuruz boasts a track record of delivering successful campaigns that drive tangible results. Our portfolio is a testament to the effectiveness of our strategies.

➡️ Experienced Team

Our team of dedicated digital marketers is highly experienced, bringing expertise from diverse backgrounds to craft tailored solutions for your business.

➡️ Advanced Technology

Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we employ advanced tools for keyword research and account optimization. This ensures that your digital presence is optimized for maximum impact.

➡️ Integrated Marketing Approaches

We believe in a holistic approach to digital marketing. By integrating various strategies, we maximize the efficiency of resources, ensuring both time and money invested yield the best possible returns.

➡️ Increased Accessibility

Through targeted campaigns, we enhance the accessibility of your products/services to your intended audience. This not only boosts brand visibility but also opens up new sales opportunities in organic search engine results.


We take pride in our certifications from industry leaders:

  • Semrush for Digital Agencies Certification
  • Semrush SEO Toolkit Certification
  • Semrush SEO Toolkit for Advanced Semrush Users Certification
  • Semrush Content Marketing Toolkit Certification
  • Semrush Advertising Toolkit Certification
  • Semrush Social Media Toolkit Certification
  • Semrush Competitor Analysis Certification

These certifications reflect our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and utilizing the latest methodologies to benefit our clients.

WebGuruz has etched its name in the industry by delivering measurable outcomes for over a decade. Thousands of satisfied clients stand as a testament to our commitment to excellence.

Choose WebGuruz, where digital success begins, & let's embark on a journey to elevate your brand to new heights in the digital landscape!

Modelo de precificação
  • Valor por hora
  • Adiantamento
  • Por projeto
  • Comissão
  • Valor/por desempenho
  • Qualquer
Foco geográfico
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • New Zealand
  • Netherlands
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • India
  • Inglês
  • Espanhol
  • Alemão
  • Holandês
  • Hindi
  • Dinamarquês
Histórias de sucesso


Monica Jewelers, an Online Jewelry Store, aims to elevate its online presence and become a prominent player in the highly competitive jewelry market. The challenge was to increase online visibility, and improve rankings in search engine results for more traffic and conversions.


We created a tailored digital strategy, focusing on optimizing their website for search engines and enhancing the user experience. This included implementing on-page SEO techniques, creating compelling product descriptions, and launching targeted paid advertising campaigns.


Monica Jewelers experienced a remarkable 60% increase in website traffic, with a substantial rise in organic search visits. Acc. to GSC , in Nov 2023 alone, it received 7.72K total clicks & 1.91M total impressions. Moreover, Google Analytics shows 20K new user visits and registrations.


Minus The Agent aimed to transform the traditional real estate model by enabling property owners to sell or rent their homes online without relying on traditional agents. The challenge was to grow website traffic and establish the brand as a reliable alternative in the Australian real estate market.


Our team at Webguruz collaborated closely with Minus The Agent to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This included optimizing their website for search engines, implementing targeted advertising campaigns, and creating engaging content to educate and attract users.


From 153673 users in February 2020[https://prnt.sc/dAz0Ad95wnze] to 306650 users in February 2021[https://prnt.sc/96z95FMzw0aY], there was a significant boost in user registrations. The conversion rate saw a remarkable 35% improvement, establishing Minus The Agent as Australia's leading real estate.


Mosman Dental Clinic, a reputable dental practice in Sydney, was struggling to attract new patients online. Their website lacked SEO optimization, leading to poor organic search ranking and limited visibility.


We implemented a data-driven SEO strategy, optimizing website content with targeted keywords. Semrush aided in a comprehensive SEO audit, resolving errors and enhancing site performance by 35%. We refined the Google My Business listing & crafted high-quality blog posts on relevant dental topics.


In just 6 months, Semrush revealed a 40% surge in organic traffic to Mosman's website. Targeted keywords achieved an average ranking position of 7 on SERPs. Most significantly, this led to a 25% boost in website conversion rates for contact forms and appointment bookings.

Nossos clientes
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou Robert James Realty a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou Minus The Agent a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou JSI Europe a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou Milwaukee House Buyers a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou The Lavatory a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, ajudou Monica Jewelers a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
Nossos prêmios
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, conquistou o prêmio HubSpot certified Partner
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, conquistou o prêmio Google Adwords Certification
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, conquistou o prêmio Upwork Top Rated Badge
A agência WebGuruz Technologies Pvt. Ltd., de India, conquistou o prêmio Shopify Certified Partner

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Agências — India