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Douglass Digital

Douglass Digital

Projetando o futuro da sua marca

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom



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Somos a Douglass Digital, sua agência de design de sites confiável e premiada, sediada em Cambridge.

Nossa Missão

Nossa missão é oferecer aos nossos clientes estratégias digitais eficazes. Com uma vasta experiência, somos especializados em construir sites para diversos setores e propósitos, incluindo biotecnologia e ciências biológicas, instituições de caridade, recrutamento, associação, folhetos e sites de e-commerce.

Gama completa de serviços

Nossa gama de serviços WordPress se estende além do design e desenvolvimento. Oferecemos serviços completos de SEO, suporte, pacotes de manutenção e hospedagem, e soluções de Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Nosso Trabalho

Acreditamos que nosso trabalho fala por si e reflete com precisão nossa dedicação em fornecer soluções de desenvolvimento e design web de alto nível.

Visite nosso site ou entre em contato conosco hoje mesmo para conversar e descobrir a solução ideal para seu site novo ou existente!

Orçamento por projeto
Duração do projeto
  • Qualquer
Foco geográfico
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Inglês
Histórias de sucesso


Elevar a presença online de Harvey John para corresponder à sua reputação global. Eles precisavam de um web design que demonstrasse experiência, promovesse conexões com clientes e simplificasse a busca de empregos com segurança.


Construímos um site fácil de usar, enfatizando a navegação fácil, uma marca impactante e um processo de inscrição seguro. O design apresentou a marca de Harvey John ao mesmo tempo que abordava os desafios únicos da indústria de recrutamento.


O novo website ampliou o alcance global da Harvey John, promovendo conexões contínuas com clientes e apoiando indivíduos na busca dos empregos dos seus sonhos. Nossa experiência é demonstrada no web design de sucesso e também contribui para a missão de facilitar pesquisas de emprego seguras e convenientes.


D'arcy & Everest, um viveiro especializado em plantas alpinas e perenes, precisava de um site de comércio eletrônico atualizado para substituir seu site WordPress desatualizado.


Criamos cuidadosamente um lindo novo site de comércio eletrônico para mostrar as fábricas da D'arcy & Everest e melhorar o gerenciamento de vendas.


O site se tornou um sucesso durante o bloqueio, à medida que mais pessoas se concentravam em seus jardins. Trouxe um grande aumento nas visitas e vendas online. A habilidade da Douglass Digital em criar um ótimo site ajudou a D'arcy & Everest a ter sucesso online.


O BOU tinha um site desatualizado e ineficiente que usava Woocommerce para gerenciar assinaturas. O antigo site também não era atualizado regularmente.


Criamos um site novo e envolvente que usava Memberpress para lidar com associações e oferecia vários recursos, como débito direto sem papel, reservas de eventos, conteúdo exclusivo para membros, loja online, integração mailchimp e muito mais.


O novo site melhorou significativamente a experiência do usuário e o gerenciamento de membros do BOU. Também aumentou a sua visibilidade e reputação como organização ornitológica líder.

Nossos clientes
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou British Ornithologists’ Union a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou Cambridge Roof Exchange a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou D’Arcy & Everest a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou Synchronicity Earth a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou Harvey John a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, ajudou OMED Health a expandir seus negócios usando SEO e marketing digital
Nossos prêmios
A agência Douglass Digital, de Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, conquistou o prêmio Website of the year award!


A classificação média é baseada em avaliações no Google Maps e na Semrush.
Sharon Deveson Kell
Jan 22, 2024

Over the 8 years that we have been working together, Douglass Digital have been very professional, creative, and extremely supportive with our website design. A great team of people who are always there to help when needed.

Wessex LMCs
Jan 4, 2024

What a team Douglass Digital are. This is a personal thank you from someone who has been never been involved in the process of setting up a new website and database and the complexities of importing across from another system. Despite numerous issues and queries from us all, they remained calm and supportive through out. Even after the website's launch, the team continues to provide valuable assistance in any way they can. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Charlie, Alex, and everyone at Douglass Digital. Helene

Hussain Miah
Apr 24, 2023

Douglass Digital is amazing at what they do. Charlie is an amazing, intelligent and very helpful person, understood exactly what I wanted and created a better website than I expected. Their support and services have exceeded my expectations and the team are very friendly, communicate well and respond quickly. They have produced some truly awesome work for me. Extremely happy to be working with them. Don't look elsewhere, I would highly recommend Douglass Digital.

Lara Pocock
Mar 22, 2023

We have loved working with the Douglass Digital team. Our project has exceeded expectations and the team are friendly, communicate well, and listen to our ideas and feedback. They respond quickly and have produced some truly awesome work. We would highly recommend working with Douglass Digital.

David Waddell
Jul 3, 2023

I cannot give enough praise for Douglass Digital. They were excellent! It became apparent after conducting an internal review that the user experience and accessibility of our previous website was falling short and whilst we didn’t need a complete revamp of content and branding, we needed to transition to a new CMS and refresh our existing design. I was introduced to Charlie and knew immediately that they were the right digital design company for us to use. At the start of the project, we had an exploratory meeting to discuss our aims and to allow Douglass Digital to find out more about us as a company. Charlie went beyond surface level, looking in-depth at the customer profiles of our users, and took the time to gain an understanding of what our company wanted to represent. After this meeting, Sophie presented us with several impeccable proto-type designs. Though we were reassured these were drafts and that the drafts could be completely overhauled and redone if desired, we were blown away by the quality of Sophie’s initial designs. They were high-quality, and we could immediately see our vision in her work. We were able to combine elements of two designs we couldn’t decide between, Sophie merged our favourite elements of each design into what became our final look. We were kept in the loop throughout the project, with regular updates about the progress, as well as clear instructions on what was needed from us to continue. And after the designs were finalised, we were able to see functional prototype webpages within a couple of weeks. Robert was integral to not just the building of the site but also getting the functionality of our job board working. He was knowledgeable, but clear and concise, patiently explaining all the tech jargon for us. And he kept us consistently updated throughout the initial teething problems with third-party integrations. He also went the extra mile in helping us resolve an issue with Google Analytics for our former site, which saved us from needing to start from scratch. We were impressed by how completely Douglass Digital had taken on board the aims we had and managed to style the website in a way that represented us as a company. They substantially improved the functionality of our website compared to our former site, and produced a beautiful, modern, and bespoke website that suited us. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

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Agências — Cambridge, England, United Kingdom