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Bright Labs

Bright Labs

Criando momentos de magia

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



Bright Labs é uma agência digital que usa design e tecnologia para melhorar sua marca, expandir mercados e alcance, ajudá-lo a mudar para serviços digitais, criar envolvimento do cliente e dar vida aos produtos. Conseguimos isso fornecendo soluções de design, tecnologia e marketing digital de classe mundial.

A nossa abordagem estratégica é adaptada a cada projeto, adaptando-se às necessidades específicas do seu negócio. Construindo relacionamentos sólidos com nossos clientes, buscamos entender quem eles são e o que representam.

Ao traçar o perfil do público e obter insights de dados e análises, vamos além dos limites tradicionais da publicidade para fornecer campanhas de marketing digital integradas e direcionadas para empresas de comércio eletrônico B2B e B2C. Promovemos o seu negócio através de canais de pesquisa, display, redes sociais, e-mail, SMS e vídeo.

  • Gere leads em escala: Implementamos programas orientados ao desempenho em escala por meio de automação de marketing, criação de perfis de clientes e análise de tráfego.
  • Aumente a retenção e o envolvimento dos clientes: Precisa reter clientes ou reconquistar membros? Usamos estratégias de gamificação interativas e gratificantes para chamar a atenção. Nossas táticas constroem relacionamentos mais profundos e pessoais com os clientes e incentivam a interação proativa com sua marca.
  • Otimização contínua: testamos e refinamos estas campanhas para entregar mensagens oportunas e direcionadas - um método que proporciona resultados de maior qualidade e um forte retorno do investimento.
Porte das empresas dos clientes
Orçamento por projeto
A partir de $2,500
Duração do projeto
  • A partir de 1-3 months
Foco geográfico
  • Australia
  • Inglês


classificação média com base nas avaliações do Google
Leah Gibsonno
Mar 15, 2024

I recently worked with Brightlabs to move our website to the Craft CMS platform. As their client, I found them to be friendly, calm and reassuring during the process. They were able to assist in all elements of the project from design to development and SEO. While no project ever goes perfectly, Brightlabs' willingness to talk through any challenges and negotiate outcomes resulted in a successful project. I look forward to continuing to work together to maintain and develop our website.

University Collegeno
Feb 28, 2024

The web team did a fantastic job of coming up with a design that reflected our brand and our vision for a new website. The development team also did a great job of implementing this vision and addressing the various tweaks that inevitably came up during the process. Big thanks to Alex and Tim for managing this project with us - everyone is thrilled with the new site.

Richard Kuhlno
Feb 6, 2024

Bright Labs made the effort to drive down from the city and meet me at a Cafe in Mornington to go through some marketing strategies for my business and for the future. Fantastic team with a wealth of knowledge. Highly Recommend :)

Beth Cesarinno
Jun 14, 2023

Worked with Bright Labs on a number of digital campaigns including website builds and have found them to be client-focused, responsive, and solutions oriented. Websites are developed to be easily maintained and updated, a must for multidisciplinary marketing teams. Looking forward to working with them on our next project!

Dec 7, 2021

We were - and continue to be - delighted by the professional and excellent service from Bright Labs! We spent a lot of time meeting with many different agencies, and felt like none of them got our vision until we met with Bright Labs. They not only had a deep understanding of what we needed but provided ideas and feedback relevant to our business that we hadn’t even considered. Between our initial meetings to now, we know we can rely on their quality, service and communication. The team are great fun and we love working with them!

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Agências — Melbourne, Victoria, Australia