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Let's Clic

Let's Clic

Seu crescimento, nosso sucesso!

Paris, Paris, Ile-de-France, France



Agência de Marketing Digital, Let's Clic é a convergência perfeita de talentos altamente especializados e complementares em profissões de Marketing Digital desde 2012. Conectamos toda a nossa expertise digital: SEO, SEA, Social Ads, Website Design, para equipar nossos clientes na conquista de seu mercado. Nosso sucesso continua sendo o dos nossos clientes! Nossa experiência: * SEA: Google Partner Premier * SMA: Anúncios sociais (Linkedin, Facebook/Instagram Ads) * SEO: Certificação QASEO * DEV: Desenvolvimento, integração e webdesign Por que usar o Let's Clic para criar ou redesenhar meu site? A maioria das empresas se concentra nos aspectos funcionais e visuais de seu site. Problemas de aquisição de tráfego geralmente aparecem alguns meses depois de ele ficar online. No entanto, a maneira como um site é projetado tem um impacto direto no desempenho do tráfego. Na Let's Clic, nossa profunda experiência em questões de aquisição de tráfego nos permite integrar todos os fundamentos de SEO e SEA antes de desenvolver um site. Estamos ansiosos para descobrir seus projetos 🚀 A equipe Let's Clic 🙂
Orçamento por projeto
Duração do projeto
  • Qualquer
Foco geográfico
  • France
  • Francês


A classificação média é baseada em avaliações no Google Maps e na Semrush.
Contact Libre Lyon
Jun 5, 2024

We called on the Let's clic agency for the SEO of our Jeu Visite site. The work was very well done and the results were there. Benjamin, who accompanied us, was able to find many good ideas and always implemented them successfully. He is very professional, attentive, extremely pleasant and very competent. We are very grateful to him for the excellence of his work and for his great kindness. It was a real pleasure to work together. We warmly recommend!

Camille Béal
Sep 5, 2023

I am delighted with our collaboration with the agency. Performance is there and our SEO traffic has increased considerably since we started working together. I would like to highlight the contribution of Claire, who knows how to listen to our needs and who is very involved in her missions. She is always available and responsive, and she gives us valuable advice. I highly recommend this agency to anyone who wants to improve their natural referencing.

Deborah M-B
Sep 22, 2023

An expert agency in its field! I particularly thank the SEA consultant in charge of our account. Thank you for his professionalism, his listening, his responsiveness and his advice which helped us in our acquisition objectives.

Frédérique Letzelter
Sep 14, 2023

Let's Clic is an agency that puts people at the heart of digital performance, with a team available, serious, competent and above all committed to the brand and its history! and we love that!

Agnès Médard Mangin
Dec 9, 2023

I admit that I am not receptive to cold calling, yet when I was contacted by let's clic for my business, I was sensitive to the words of the person who canvassed me. I don't know why because I had never heard of it. And I tend to shorten the discussion and decline offers of this type! I went there by feeling, I felt sincerity and I spontaneously told myself that I was trying. David has been taking care of my natural referencing for 8 months now and I am delighted. He is simply professional, attentive and the work done is starting to bear fruit. I recommend 200%! Thanks to the team!

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Agências — Paris, Paris, Ile-de-France, France

It takes about 3 minutes.